Chemical Safety Awareness

Chemical Safety

This chemical safety training programme will provide an awareness and understanding of chemical safety in the workplace. Chemical safety training is designed for those who have the potential to be exposed to or who are exposed to chemicals in the workplace. Participants will understand the physical and health hazards of chemicals used in the workplace and the importance of the SDS (Safety Data Sheet) to identify methods of protection using safe work practices, emergency procedures and personal protective equipment (PPE).

Who Should Attend:

Chemical Safety Training is designed for those who have the potential to be exposed to chemicals in the workplace

Participants per course:

Maximum of 12 participants

Course Duration:

4 Hours (1/2 Day)

Course Programme:

  • Introduction – Course administration, Aims and Objectives
  • Chemical Legislation (Code of Practice for the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Chemical Agents)
  • Regulations 2001 (SI No. 216 of 2001)
  • Risk Assessment principles and Hazard identification
  • Safe Systems of Work
  • Definition of a Hazardous substance
  • Routes of entry into the body for hazardous substances


Participants, who successfully complete the course, will receive a course completion certificate. The certificate is valid for three years.

Course Cost:

from €600 p/course (including assessment of chemicals onsite).